Category: News
The Civil Engineering discipline of Southeast University celebrated its 100th anniversary which takes place October 22 to 28 2023. During this period, a grand celebration ceremony and a series of academic lectures, exchanges and other activities in Nanjing, China. Click to view Dr. Aftab Mufti’s speech
View the documents at the following link: IMPACT Report & Narrative
Dr. Aftab Mufti, co-founder and first president of ISHMII, has been invited to be an advisor on the ISHMII Executive Committee. Dr. Mufti is held in high esteem for his lifetime of influential engineering accomplishments and dedication to the development of structural health monitoring and Civionics as a recognized field within civil engineering. His role […]

Dr. John Newhook, P.Eng. Dr. John Newhook a past ISIS Student and Project Leader has been appointment as Dean, Faculty of Engineering at Dalhousie University, commencing July 1, 2018 for a five-year term. Dr. Newhook is currently a Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Centre for Innovation in Infrastructure within the Faculty of […]

Winnipeg, MB – Don Whitmore, Chair of SIMTReC Corporation is pleased to announce that Aftab Mufti, CM, FRSC, PhD, PEng. will assume the role of Director at SIMTReC effective October 16, 2017. Dr. Mufti assumes the Director’s position following the retirement of Dr. Dagmar Svecova who recently completed her five (5) year term as SIMTReC’s […]

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