On October 25, 2016 SIMTReC was hosting its first Alumni Reception at the University of Manitoba. The event was sponsored by the University of Manitoba and brought together alumni and former leaders of Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures Canada. It was inspiring for our current graduate students to see our alumni in prominent positions in industry, government and academia.

We heard from Dr. Sami Rizkalla, the first president of Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures Canada and Dr. Aftab Mufti, former President and currently Scientific Director of SIMTReC.

If you missed this year’s event, please look out for invitation for our next year’s event. We would love to see you all and catch up on your accomplishments.


In photo:  Dr. Emile Shehata – TetraTech, Dr. Bree Williams – RRC, Dr. Robin Hutchinson – RRC,

Ms. Ruth Eden, Dr. Sami Rizkalla, Dr. Dimos Polyzois



In photo:  Dr. Sami Rizkalla – North Carolina State University


In photo:  Mr. Gamal Mustapha – SMT Research,

Dr. Basheer Algohi – SIMTReC, Dr. Junhui Zhao – SIMTReC